Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More fun with Statistics using On-Line graphing tools

Today, the fantastic Kiwikids Maths class had more fun with statistics. We discovered an awful lot about a packet of lollipops. This included: which was the most common shape of lollipop, what was the most popular lollipop flavour, and what was the most common colour of lollipop found in one packet. YES! We did get to eat one too. It was such a busy maths lesson. My challenge for you is to look at the information in the graphs and make statements about what you have found out. e.g. What is the least favourite flavour in our class? What do you notice about the number of shapes we found in the packet? How many different things can you tell me? I'd love to hear about what you've learned.


Ruth said...

There's only one question on my mind! What lolly will you be using to gather data for statistics next week and what time should I visit?

Anonymous said...

Yellow and purple were the least favourite colours. Green and red were your favourites.
In our class, yellow was the favourite colour and no one liked orange.
We thought that you were very lucky to get lolly pops at school!

Anonymous said...

We thought that the least favourite colours were yellow and purple and that the favourite colours were green and red.
In our class, the favourite colour was yellow and the least favourite was orange with no votes at all!
We thought your graphs were really interesting and that you were really lucky to eat lolly pops in maths!!

Anonymous said...

wow!!! how did you do that I would
love to learn how to do THAT!!!!!

CALEB said...

Wow mrs reid!you are one talented teacher.You got to teach room10 that.CB

BL said...

That looks yummy I wish that I was there.

BC said...

I like the games that mrs r did for us on the blog.BC