Thursday, July 1, 2010

Water Cycle Drama

In our groups we used drama to show our understanding of the Water Cycle. We had lots of fun moving our bodies in different ways to show movements of water or height of mountains. We took video clips of each other so that we could think of ways we might improve next time. We know we will definitely look at ways to improve our videoing skills next term! Please look at our Voicethread and click on our avatars to hear whats we had to say.


JK said...

Wow! That water cycle drama really looked great.jk

JK said...

Wow! That water cycle drama really looked great. JK

J.N said...

I tbhink that my group should improve on how long the stage would be.

bc said...

WOW! we are doing great mrs r i hope we will do this a again, we can lean a bute spaces,how cars are made,tanwfis.