Monday, November 15, 2010

Room 10 makes Cartoons

KF made this comic strip to share with Mrs R.  Double click on the image to make it bigger.
GC made this one to share with us.  I wonder what other topics you might make a cartoon for?  



Mrs R said...

Well done KF, you were the first one to have a try. I liked the conversation about school between you and Mrs R. I hope you like a lot more than that really though.

Mrs R said...

Well done GC I liked to see you using the site and having a go.
Just remember to check spelling and punctuation carefully everyone because we can't make changes to the cartoon once you've completed it. your you're.

KF I noticed I wanted to read from left to right in your middle scene. Next time I think I would chanage the characters positions so I could do that. What do you think?